Hi, folks! Come join me at this awesome conference
Cairns is the gateway city to tropical Far North Queensland, nestled on the verge of the Great Barrier Reef Marine park and in late August this year will host one of the major annual scientific meetings for those in the aeromedical profession in Australasia, the Aeromedical Society of Australasia and Flight Nurses Australia Annual Scientific meeting.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Exploring new heights :education and research” and the scientific program is full of speakers from around the world, on topics from new prehospital difficult airway techniques to university training in aeromedical retrieval.
Inaugural debut features of the conference program include a formal debate on the topic of a brand new specialist medical college of retrieval medicine and a medical simulation competition called the Aeromedical Simulation Cup. An exciting and innovative pre-conference workshop will headline the week of aeromedical premier education. The Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland STAR(Specialised Training in Aeromedical Retrieval) program will present its Essential Aspects of Retrieval Medicine 3 day immersive course , before the official conference start. A joint registration package deal for both events is available.
This competition is an intense two day high fidelity emergency simulation (based on the SimWars concept) , pitting two teams against each other with the audience and an expert international judging panel deciding the overall winning team.
Speaker highlights include:
-Associate Professor Geoff Ramin debating the merits of formation of a retrieval medicine college and describing exciting novel innovation in aeromedical education such as the Bond University Retrieval medicine courses and the Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland STAR courses ( Specialised Training in Aeromedical Retrieval)
-Dr Cliff Reid , Dr Brian Burns and Dr Karel Habig from the Greater Sydney Area Helicopter service, presenting on their novel training program for retrieval doctors and developments in prehospital medical education and research
-Dr Alan Garner from Careflight Sydney, reporting on the long awaited results of the Head Injury Retrieval Trial
- Dr Daniel Hankins from Mayo Clinic, presenting aeromedical literature updates
-RFDS Queensland Nurse Manager Maree Cummins, talking on her journey as Australia’s first aeromedical nurse practitioner
So register and book your tickets to join us in Cairns in August! The weather will be great and the Great Barrier Reef is a natural wonder that you must see at least once in your life!
Dr Minh Le Cong, Chairman of Local Organising Committee
Filed under: Aeromedical retrieval, Prehospital medicine Tagged: aeromedical, cairns, conference