Hi folks
on todays episode I discuss a sedation related death of a suicidal patient under the involuntary section of the Mental health act. This should never happen but it does and I have written and spoken about this before . Colleagues such as Tim Leeuwenburg and Casey Parker have also documented such issues on their respective sites in the past. It has and still is the impetus for our creation and promotion of the Surviving Sedation Guidelines
I also discuss a recent ketamine sedation death from America since many believe that ketamine cannot kill you. It can.
Show notes:
Coroners findings re Antoinette Williams 2012 death
WA Court decision re Antoinette Williams 2012 death
Lee deputy died of brain injury after ketamine treatment for alcohol-induced delirium
Podcast ( available here and on iTunes)
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Filed under: FOAMEd, ketamine, prehospital and retrieval medicine podcast, safety, sedation Tagged: 2017, aeromedical, itunes, ketamine, psychiatric, sedation, surviving